Our Team
We are a team of knowledgeable, experienced and seasoned individuals committed to acquiring and supporting high-quality companies that provide critical materials, equipment and services to the life sciences industry. We are skilled at combining competencies and scale in order to build strong businesses. Through our partnership with GE Pension Trust, we have both the resources and expertise to assist businesses in achieving their strategic objectives.
Management Team
Al Jurgela | Co-Founder & Managing Member
While I am highly competitive and love to win, I truly believe that the keys to happiness and success lie in working hard while staying grounded and kind… all while enjoying camaraderie and good humor along the way.
George Magovern | Senior Associate
A true growth mindset takes grit. Striving to learn, enduring the setbacks, and seeing the opportunity and potential at every turn is what drives me forward.
In Memoriam
Ted Pulkownik (1957-2019)
Beloved Co-founder & Visionary